Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It doesn't look like we are going to make it to our dads. I have to work today and on Friday. What a bummer. I was hoping to be off on Friday but it looks like we are going to have several children at the center today and Friday. Oh well. life goes on. If not this weekend then maybe next weekend. I may go to moms this weekend. I haven't really dedided yet. I first have to get my room organized again from all the holiday gifts and thigs just laying around. That is my goal for tomorrow since I am going to be at home anyway.

It looks like we may have a few days of cooler weather. It was 79 on Christmas Day so we are all ready for some cooler weather. Not to cold.

There isn't a lot going on down in the south as things are starting to wind down form all the excitement from the holidays. Since I have taken so many days off in the last month I now have to work some hours to build up my personnel time again.

I am still going to look at the posibility of coming out to Oregan. I haven't checked flights in awhile so we will have to wait and see what the prices will be. I have been trying to get Christy, Chad and the boys to go on a cruise with me. I am going to do some checking on that also. I think the boys would have a really good time on the ship. That also depends on the price. It is all about money.

Well I better go it is time for me to get ready for work. Have a wonderful day and Happy New year to you. I will write again next year.

Monday, December 29, 2008

I guess I will srart over with this update. I was almost finished and my fingers hit a button that it shoud have not and I lost everything somewhereand of course I don't know what I did. So we will try again.

First I want to wish you all a Happy New year and I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas. Mine was good but I am glad it is over with for another year. Things just get rough around the holidays.

The grandkids had a wonderful time opening all there gifts. Jonathan got several transformers wi=hich he was excited about. Christopher was excited over everything but he liked the truck that he could take apart and put back together the most then all his potatoe heads. Benjamin could care less, he slept through most of it. Savannah got a lot of dolls and I got her a stroller to push them all in. Mason wanted trains so he got a train from me and a basketball goal. I couldn't tell how excited Jason's two kids were because Jason was taking them to the car almost as jast as they were opening them. He didn't want them to get mixed up with all the other toys.

Me and Alan have been talking about going and seeing our dad this week since we haven't senn him in several months. Our dad usually does a big cookout for New Year's Eve so we might go to it and spend a couple f hours. We haven't decided for sure. I might go and then go to my aunts house and spend the night and then head over to see my mom and take there Christmas to them.

After this week things will get back to normal and I have got to build up some more dyas off so that I can take some off at the end of summer, especially if I decide to fly to Oregan again. I haven't cheked prices lately becuae my computer has been down. I am hoping that I can get back on sometime this week or next. I don't like not haveing one to use at my convience.

Well, I am going to go for now as I have to hit the shower and get ready for a full day at work. Have a wonderful day and a Happy New Year.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and I will write more after the holidays.

It looks like we are going to be in the mid seventies on Christmas Day which will be good for the kids. They can get outside to play.

Dennis and Leann have a wonderful day on Christmas and enjoy the lights if you get to go see them.

I am off tomorrow and I don't know how I managed that but I will take it and then I only work half day on Friday and it will be in the office during the afternoon.

I will get back on and let you know how ours went after the holidays.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Good day to you all. I was going to say good morning but it may not be that time of day when you read this. I have had a busy weekend and it doesn't look like this week is going to be any different.

Our weather is a little cooler this morning. Well, I should have said a lot cooler because on Saturday it was almost eighty and today we will be in the fifities. It want last long. They say that it is going to be in the seventies on Christmas Day.

I am still on Alan's computer because Michael did not have time or should I say did not take the time to even think about my computer or anyone else in his family. He is on my list of not being happy with him. He got into town Friday night and they headed to the hotel which was fine. We had a birthday party for Jonathan on Saturday and instead of him getting out there early an spending time with us he decided to wait until 1:30 to show up for the party which started at 2:00. Everyone was there waiting to spend time with him and when I called him he acted like it was no big deal. Then by six he was rady to leave so that they could try out a new Mexican place and that was the end of our visit. He drove four hours and spent two nights in a hotel to spend less that five hours with his family. It really wasn't worth the trip. They are leaving Wednesday to go to Erin's parents and they will be there until Sunday. I guess we are not up to standards. We must be the hicks or the outcast from lower Alabama. I think the only reason that he even came down was because I pushed the isssue and to get his gifts. This is the first time that Erin has been her since they got married and I don't think that she is the one that doesn't like to come because she acted like she had a really good time. She played games withthe boys and I really think that Michael hates to share her with anyone. I want ask him to come next year. If he decides to come it will be on his own. Enough gripping.

So now back to the computer. Who knows when I will get it back to working right. We are going to start by taking the router back and seee if that will help. Alan will help me get it back going during the holidays. So updates probably want be as often.

We are all planning on going to Christy for Christmas. We will all meet out there around three for an early supper or a late lunch. Whatever you want to call it. After we eat we will then open presants. We did not dothat with Michael. We just opened the ones that he brought us and they opene the ones that we got them. I am glad we decided to wait on the ours until later. We will have a great time and enjoy each other.

Well I have rambled enough today. I need to get off her and get ready to head to work. What fun. Have a wonderful day.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Good morning everyone!! It is good to be back home even though I would love to have been on my cruise longer. It is a relaxing time and not having to worry about doing anything or getting up at any certain time. I am updating on my brother's computer and hopefully I will have mine straighted out this weekend since my son is coming home and he knows a lot about computers. I am going to put him to work on mine. Maybe he will be able toget to the bottom of my problems.

The cruise was great other than the weather wasn't good. Thursday night the water was really rough. You know that it is bad when you can see white caps on the water in the dark. We spent a lot of time just talking and it was good to be just me and mom. I can tell that her health is not really great. This is something that I will cherish forever.

We did a lot of eating, well not to much. Our first night there we had baby back ribs and then for the captain's dinner we had prime rib or lobsters. I chose the prime rib. The desserts were always great. One day they made a chocolate dessert display and it was great also.

Saturday we went into Cozemel and we did a tour around the island and it was interesting. Most of the people live in town and the highest peak is forty five feet high. We made several stops on our tour and was able to get some pictures and pick up some shells. After the tour we headed back into town for some shopping.
I bought me several pieces of jewerly anfd mom bought herself a couple pieces of silver and a new purse. She also bought Johnny a t-shirt made out of bamboo and it is really soft.

Before we started off on our shopping spree we had real Mexican food. It was good but the service wasn't. Mom and I both decided that for the price that we paid for our food that we would rather have Taco Bell.

My test yesterday came back good now the doctor wants to do an upper GI and to make sure that there is nothing in that part that is causing any bleeding. They found blood in my stool and this is something that they want to just make sure everything is fine. If I can get it done before the end of the year then I may have it done because it want cost me anything but my co-payment but after the first of the year our insurance is going to change and it will end up costing me two hundred dollars to have the test done. So that test is something that may not be done right away.

I better get off here and get a shower and get ready for work. I will update more later. Pictures will be posted at a later date.

Monday, December 8, 2008

I figured that I better update as much as I can before I leave on my trip. It will be good to get to warmer weather for awhile. We will be boarding around noon on Thursday abd be back on Monday morning. Saturday we will be in Cozamel for the day and some shopping.

I have only a day and a half to work since I am going to take off early on Wednesday. I have a lot to do before I leave on Thursday. I better get myself in gear because it will be here before I know it.

I did get my car partially cleaned out tonight. I will finish it tomorrrow and mark it off my long on going list. Some things probably will be left undone and be waiting for me when I get back.

I just talked to Michael and he will be down the weekend before Christmas. It will be good to see him and Erin. The last time they were here together was before they were married and the have been married for a year and a half. I was afraid that only Michael was going to come again by himself and that I was going to have to hurt someones feelings. It is hard to get to know someone if you aren't around them. That is how we sometimes feel about Erin. She is really a sweet girl and we all would really like to get to know her better.

Well enough gripping. I need to get some things done before I head to bed. Later all and have a great day!!!!!!
I need to get this up-dated before some of my readers have a cow. I have been really busy this weekend with grandkids, picking up pecans and of course watching the football game. OH, and we can't forget shopping. Most of the time it was Christy's money that we were spending which is always nice.

Then of course there is was church on Sunday. Christ and I did some Christmas shopping on and then we headed to the Olive Garden for lunch. We both like to eat there and Chad doesn't so it worked out good. We had our usual whisc was the soup and salad.

I only work two and a half days this week and I am getting excited about going on the cruise except that I have a million things to get ddone before I leave on Thursday. My list seems to be longer than my time but it always seems that way and it always works out.

No, we didn't win the ball game but that is alright too. We are in a bowl on Jan.2. We will be playing Utah. It is the first time they have been in a bowl game in nine years.

It is time for me to get off here and get some things done, like pay bills. What fun. Have a great day.

Friday, December 5, 2008

I thought it was about time that I updatede again. I worked until seven tonight and then I headed to the mall and had a makeover and spent way to much money on make-up. Oh, well it made me fill good, now if I can do it like the girl did it at the store. Practice, Practice, Practice!!! Maybe one day I will get the hang of how to do all this stuff. I had fun doing it so that is all that matters.

Not a lot going on tomorrow, well amybe more than I think. We are going to pick up pecans in the morning and then I think we are going to take the baby to get his pictures made. After that I think it will be home to watch the ball game. We are planning on grilling hamburgers and hotdogs just before the game. Go BAMA!!!!!

Yes Dennis, I am going to have my toes done. They will probably be red. I haven't really decided on the color yet. Any suggestions from anyone? I have a gift card for a massage and I may get it done it I can schedule it for Wednesday afternoon. It was a gift from one of my children last year. It sounds like a good idea to me.

Well, I am going to go since I have been out running around for awhile and it is getting late. Christy will be calling me bright and early in the morning wanting me to come pick up pecans, so I beter hit the bed. Later.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Just another day on the home front and the work force. Just counting days until I will have a few off. I am getting someone to work for me next Wednesday afternoon so that I can go get my nails and toes done before I head out on the boat. We are trying to get decorations done and we always do a competion every year with decorations. We have a different theme every year and our theme this year is Home for the Holidays so we are going to incorprate the military in with our theme. Our department usually places first or second every year. We will see how we do this year.

Christy took Benjamin to the doctor for his check-up and he weighs 10 pds 9ozs and is 22 1/2 inches. He is growing like a weed. A lady saw him today and she thought he was two months old and when we told her that he was only three weeks she was surprised. The church gave her a baby shower tonight and she received a lot of nice things. Several outfits. gift cards, and diapers. The diapers are always good.

Michael is going to have to go to Fairfax, VA to work for a few weeks with his job. He will be there for about six weeks. He is not sure if he will be able to come home for the holidays.

I am going to call it a night. I have lots of things to get done before work in the morning and it is getting late here.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Just another busy day at work. Not much going on around here other than working all the time. Not many more days and I will be relaxing on the ship on my way to Mexico.

I went looking for something a little formal to wear for the captain's dinner but no luck tonight. I will look some more this weekend since I have a busy sechedule for the rest of the week.

Christy and I are going to go pick up pecans again on Saturday. We will get us some extra money for the holidays. Every little bit helps. I am also going to get some to put in the freezer for baking through out the year.

We will all be glued to the television on Saturday as Alabama plays Florida. It should be a really great game. Bama is favored to lose but we will see. If so that is alright since they had such a great year. You can't win them all.

I have things to do to get ready for work tomorrow so I will say so long for now. Maybe more in the morning.

Monday, December 1, 2008

I am able to get on line again but I am still having trouble with my computer just turning off whenever it feels like it. I will see if I can get that problem taken care of as soon as I can. It is annoying when you are in the middle of something and the computer shuts down.

I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Ours was just small and busy. My daughter and I worked on the storage shed and thought we had it straightened up until we brought the rest of the stuff in yesterday. We are having some problems with it leaking and we are going to have to wook on that. It is running across the floor. Alan is going to work on that problem.

Alan is going to the extra room back into a garage. He wants to get all of his tools and things in there so he will have room to work and then we are going to put my stuff in his shed and the things that want hurt to get wet in my shed. It sounds like a lot of work but that is okay.

I only have a few more days before I set off to Mexico. I am looking forward to just relaxing with my mom. I will think about all of you when I am in the warmer weather and it is cold here and there.

I am going to get off here I have to be at the dentist office in a few minutes. More later.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Not a lot going on around here. I just wanted wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. It looks like Christy and the boys will be with me since Chad is going to do a side job on that day. Not much on the menu just something simple. Christy and I may hit a few store that are opened on Thanksgiving but other than that not much around here.

We are planning on going to see my aunt on Saturday. I haven't seen her in awhile since she has been in Texas with my uncle. It will be good to see her.

This is just short and sweet, I have to go get ready for work so have a great day.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I am doing some catch up on Alan's computer. I can't get mine to get on line and I have no idea what to do to fix it. I am going to get Alan or Chad to check it out over the holidays.

I got up this morning and had to check out my shed to make sure that it didn't get wet on the inside and everything looked fine. I will have to get a lockfor it to keep my nephew out. He likes to get into things that don't belong to him.

Then after I did that I came in and fixed four pecan pies. They are for Thanksgiving and a couple are for our church dinner on Wednesday. They smell Great. Dennis, Can you smell them? You make it in this area and I will be sure to make you one.

There isn't much going on around here. My sinus are driving me crazy but other than that the same old thing. Work, work, work. I am off on Thursday but I will work on Friday. It looks like I will be working all day on Friday. I will work in the office for three hours and that will be a breeze becxause all I have to do is answer the phone. Then in the afternoon I will be in a class with just a few children because our numbers will be low.

I will be crusing in a little over two weeks. I am really looking forward to spending time with my mom. I will be sure to take lots of pictures. I may be limitied to what I can do because of moms health but that is fine because it will be great to just be able to be togehter.

I am going to go for now and I will update when I get a chance. I haven't forgotten about you it is just hard to get to Alan's computer sometimes.

Have a wornderful Thanksgiving and God Bless You.

Friday, November 21, 2008

This is going to be short and sweet as I need to get ready for work. YEA!!! It is Friday. Not a lot going on today. We will stay in today due to the wind chill. If it is to cold for me then I keep my kids in.

Maybe I have the problem with my sick time fixed. I had to sign to let them send the information to my boss. Maybe they will get it worked out. Time will tell.

Mom is coming tomorrow to see the new baby. It will be good to see them. They will only spend three or four hours over because they don't like to drive after dark and I do understand that. There is some crazy people out there and they have some country roads to drive on.

I have to go see the doctor today. I am having some minor problems that he wants to check out after my surgery. Nothing to worry about. It probably is nothing but I want to make sure for my own piece of mind.

Not much going on after work today. I will probably come home and just stay warm. Then yet I may decide to go do some Christmas shopping. I will have to see how I feel after the doctors appointment and work.

Everyone have a great weekend and I will write more later.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Now I get to start over with this note since I lost the last one. I hit the wrong button and lost everything. Good thing life isn't like that or I would be in trouble. I would be zapped out of this world. GRIN!

There ism't much going on around here other than work. I think I might go see Christy and her bunch tomorrow after I get off work. I haven't seen them in a week. That is what happens when you have to work for a living.

I also have to get in touch with the hospital in Birmingham to get some information from them to give to my boss. There always seem to be something else they need. It would be nice it I could get all this done at one time but that would be to easy.

Sorry this is so short and sweet but I need to get some things done before heading out the door for work. Have a great day!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Good morning on this beautiful, cold morning. It is in the thirties this morning and I am not looking forward to going outside to go to work.

Not much going on around here other than working. I got up and washed a load of clothes andwashed dishes.

Mom is coming over to see us on Saturday. Really she is coming over to see the baby. It will be good to see her even if it is only to see the baby.

Thanksgiving around her is going to be different. We are not all going to be together. It looks like it will be just be Alan, Riley, and me for dinner unless we decide to do something different. Christy and her bunch are just going to go out and eat and Jason is going to work. But that is okay. Things happen like this when you have a broken family and I am just fine with that. I am better off anyway not being in the situtation I was in before.

Enough rambling. I am going to go hit the shower and get ready for another day of work. What joy. Have a good day.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I am going to try to up date one more time this morning. my computer is being difficult this morning. The thing keep shutting down on me.

Work went well yesterday. I was a little tired and my back hurt a little but over all it was good. Everone was glad to see me back. I think the adults were just as happy to see me back as the children were. The girl that was working for me had to be told everyday what needed to be done and you would think that after five weeks she would get the hang of it.

I went to the dentist yesterday and had my partial replaced. It will be nice not to have to worry about putting that thing in my mouth or forgetting to put it in. Yes, I have forgotten my tooth and would have to go back home and get it. Now I don't have to worry about that. That is what I was working on, Dennis. I also had my teeth whitened. That is why I told you that I would get you a picture later. I will get my permenant bridge December 1st. Then I will work on that picture. Maybe one from Mexico.

Well, I am going to go. I have some things to get done before heading to work. You guys have a wonderful day and I will write more later.

Friday, November 14, 2008

I think that maybe I can slow down for a minute and fill everyone in on what has been going on. We have a new addition. Benjamin Job came into this world on Thursday November 13th at 1:27pm. He weighed in at 9lbs 6 ozs. and is 21 1/2 in. He is one healthy boy. Everone has teased Chad that he is almost as big as his dad. He was being feed very well while he was in his mommies tummy and he still at it. He can put down two ounces in no time. I told Christy that she was going to have to get a part time job to feed that boy.

Christopher is very, very proud of his new brother. He really doesn't want to share him with no one. He has held him more than anyone, I think. He makes sure that he knows where his brother is at all times when he is at the hospital. When Benjamin is not in the room he wants to know where he is and what they are doing to him. We made three trips to the nurses station yesterday to find out when his baby was coming back to the room. Hopefully he will continue being such a great big brother. I know the newness will wear off but is so cute to watch him. Only a Nana would say things like that.

Jonathan wants to know the more serious things about him like why is he so red and where did those spots on his face come from. He hadto take pictures to school this morning to show everyone his new brother.

Mason wants to trade in Savannah for a brother. He told his mom that he didn't want her anymore that he wanted a brother like Benjamin. He wanted to trade with Christopher and Christopher said, "NO WAY". So now he keeps asking for a brother.

I am not looking forwand to Monday as my time off comes to an end. I guess it will be good because I can get back into a routine again. It has been a great break but all good things must come to an end.

I decided that after this morning of getting kids up and getting them out the door for school and heading to the hospital there is a reason that women are to have children while they are young. I am glad all mine are grown and that I can enjoy my grand children and then send them back home. We did okay this morning but it was a lot different then just getting me ready. I only have one tonight. The other one went home with his Papa.

Christy gets to go home tomorrow and on that note I am going to ball it a might myself. Have a great weekend....I am going to get things caught up over the weekend.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I haven't forgotten all of you guys out there. It has been a busy couple of days. We will be having a baby tomorrow. We have to be at the hospital at 5:30 in the morning. The doctor is going to induce and then when he comes in they are going to break her water. So maybe by noon we will have a little one here.

I will update tomorrow and hopefully have pictures by Saturday.

I am going to go for now since 4:45 will be early. Later ya'll.

Monday, November 10, 2008

What a beautiful day it has been. The leaves on the way up and back from Birmingham are just beautiful. The colors are just so vivid. I think this one of my favorite times of the year. I really love seeing the different colors. I think next year I may have to take a trip to the mountains for a couple of days.

The doctor appt. went well. Everything looked good and he want to follow up with me in six months. I was released to go back to work but I told him that I needed off until Monday because of Christy having a baby and he told me then I could go back on Monday. So, she has a week.

I am going to go for now. I need to be some where at 5:45 and I still need to get something to eat.

I will write more later.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

This is only going to be a short and sweet note due to the fact that it is getting a little late and I have to be up by five to get ready to head to Birmingham. I will let you know what the doctor says when I get home tomorrow evening. I am sure that it will all be good news. I hope that he will let me stay out of work until the 17th of this month. We will see.

No baby yet. It looks like it may end up being Thursday but only God knows. He will be her when he is ready.

Dennis, I hoped you enjoyed the races. I misssed them today because I was helping Alan with my shed. It is going to be big enough. Alan keeps teasing me about making it my home. He said it was big enough to have my bed. a dresser and a pot belly stove to stay warm with. I really feel the love from all the men folk in my life. HA!!HA!!

Gotta go and get in the bed. Later....

Saturday, November 8, 2008

I started my day out by going to Christy's and helping the boys pick up pecans. They are both saving for a big toy and we told them that if they wanted it bad enough they would have to help. We picked up three five gallon buckets in about two hours. They sold some the end of the week and they ended up with almost twenty dollars. They were so excited. They will probably end up with fifty or sixty dollars. The two of them worked right along witht the adults. They did an awesome job today.

After helping the boys pick up pecans I headed home and had some lunch and got ready for the BAMA football game. It was an exciting game. We were ahead 7-0 fot the first quarter but at half time it was tied at 14. In the fiurth quarted we we tied again at 21 and in ovewr time Bama came out with a victory witht he score of 27-21. They are undefeated and are ranked #1. They have two more games for this season before playoff. GO BAMA!!!!!!!!!

I talked to Christy around seven and she said that she was having contractions but that she did the same thing last night and they stopped, so we will see if I get a phone call during the night.

I called the doctor in Birmingham yesterday and had my appointment changed to Monday so that if they put Christy in on Thursday I could be with her. The lady I talked to told me that if we had a baby this weekend to call her on Monday and that she would move me back to Thursday. She was so willing to work with me and that really means a lot today because there aren't many people that would do that now.

I am going to call it a night. I am beat from picking up pecans. Have a great evening.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I am beginning to wonder if Christy is pregnant or not. Christopher told her that she was just fat. The words of a young one. Jonathan just wants the baby to hurry up and get here so that he can go spend the night with is best friend.

The doctor told her unless she has him before next week that he was not going to induce labor yet because the baby is not ready. Just everyone else. If she doesn't have him before Wednesday then he is going to put her in on Thursday which means I probably want be there. I have a doctors appointment in Birmingham on that day. I told her that would be my luck. She would have him on Thursday and I will have to go back to work on Monday.

If she has not had him by the time I go up I think I am going to ask the doctor for another week off before returning to work. He may not let me go back yet any way. I will have to wait until Thursday to see.

The weather has been beautiful this week. Tomorrow it is going to be in the high seventies and we are expecting rain Friday night and then clear again on Saturday. We will have cooler weather next week. Low seventies. The weather is great this time of the year and the leaves are turning and are pretty.

Not much going on with me right now. Just kind of taking it easy adn doing very little. It is going to kill me when I have to go back to work. Part of me is ready to get back to it and then there is also a part that likes not working.

I am going to gfet off of here and call it a night. Have a great Friday.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We still have no baby...I don't think he is ready to arrive in this world. He really likes the comfort of where he is. His mom has a different idea on that. She goes back to the doctor tomorrow and they will decide then if they are going to put here in the hospital on Friday. And here we go again....maybe Benjamin will make an appearance on Friday. The story continues and it is all up to Benjamin. I told Christy he needed to hurry up and get here so that I can spend some time with him before I have to go back to work.

I talked to Michael this morning and it was the first time that I have talked to him since before having my surgery. I have not spoken to him since he made me mad. He explained that he needed to make his meeting the day that I had surgery because it may have meant that he did not have a job and I told him then that was what he should have told me but there was still no reason for him not to come by after he finished up with his meeting. We cleared the air this morning. I was not going to make the first move so I am glad that he did.

I am still working on the picture....Just hang in there. I promise there is one coming in the near future.

I think everyone is ready for me to come back to work. Part of me is ready to go back, but it is nice to get paid and not have to work. I will have to enjoy my last week because I probably we will be going back on the 17th unless the doctor says other wise.

I am going to go for now. I have some things to get done this afternoon. Have a great day..................

Monday, November 3, 2008

We may have a baby tomorrow...Christy called the doctor today because she is having problems with her feet swelling and her blood pressure being up some. The doctor want tosee her in the morning. I hope they put her in the hospital because she is miserable. I will let you know if we end up with a new addition.

There isn't much going on around here. Alan has been working on the shed that I bought before he had his skin cancer removed. It had to be put on hold for awhile but he said that he would have it finished in time for me to get the stuff out of storage by the end on November. Just in time to get all the Christmas presents out and see what all I have in there.

Dennis, I know that you want a new picture and I am working on that. I working on a project the next couple of weeks and when I get it done I promise you a new picture. Until then you will just have to wait. I told you that I am working on it and I am. Just take a chill pill.

It looks like that I will be taking the boys to the fair on Saturday afternoon. I don't think Christy is going to fill up to it. I am sure that we will have a great time. I am going to take them during the day instead of at night.

I am going to call it a night. Have a great election day tomorrow. More later.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

I didn't get to sit around and do nothing today. I headed to Christy's house to make fall cookies with her and the boys. We made sugar cookies and used leaf cookie cutters to make the cookies. The boys had a good time rolling the dough and cutting the cookies. After baking them we made fall color frosting and they decorated the cookies. We worked on them for over two hours. They were able to mix the food color in with the frosting and they thought that was neat.

I had a friend call me the other day to ask me how I was doing and she told me that the fore closure on the house was listed in the paper. The auction on the house is going to be on November 11th. They asked me if I was going to be responsible for any balance that was left over and I told them that I did not know at this point. I will worry about that when the time comes. Who knows I may end up filing bankruptcy before it is all over with, but I hope not. Time will tell. I am not going to worry about that right now.

I have the boys for a couple of hours because Chad and Christy had an activity at church for the young married class and the boys wanted to stay with me instead of staying with Robert. They have had a bath and they are now watching cartoons. They aren't any trouble at all.

Well, I am going to go and see if I can find them something to eat for supper. You guys have a great afternoon and take care.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I went to the doctor with Christy this morning and she is still pregnant. The doctor told her that she was not far enough allow for him to induce her and she was a little disappointed. She is ready to have this baby. She said any day would be fine except for the 31st. She does not want a Halloween baby. Maybe before the weekend is over we will have a new addition.

While I was there the doctor asked me how I was doing and that I looked good for just having a hysterectomy two weeks ago and his nurse said the same thing. He also told me that he had received some of the test results and that there was cancer in my uterus and that it was a stage one. That is the beginning stage and he also told me that they were not going to have to do any chemo because the hysterectomy took care of the problem. He made the statement that it was a blessing that they were able to find it at such an early stage. God takes good care of his children. Boy, am I thankful that I wasn't seeing the ones at the army base because they probably would not have caught it as soon if at all.

Today was Alan's birthday. He is a whopping 42. I cooked him supper tonight and baked him a cake. We had roast, potatoes, carrots, and fresh corn on the cob. We also have chocolate cake for dessert. I told him since I cooked today that I wasn't cooking tomorrow and he said he didn't care because we had left overs and that he could find something to eat.

Tomorrow is going to be a cleaning day for me. I am going to get some clothes washed and do some vacuuming. I am also going to go through my bedroom and get rid of some things and do some reorganizing.

I need to take my car in for an oil change and to have them check the back door on the passengers side. It doesn't sound like it is sealing. When I am driving I can hear wind blow around the door, so since it is under warranty I may as well take it in and have them take a look at it. I will either do that tomorrow or early Friday morning. It will more than likely be Friday morning.

I went by work after we finished at the doctors office and everyone was asking if I was ready to come back to work and I told them not yet. They all said that they were ready for me to come back because the girl that is working for me is just out there some where. They keep telling me that her elevator doesn't go all the way to the top. It is nice to know that I am missed and that they are ready for me to come back.

I will call it a night and you all have a great day tomorrow and I will write more later.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I went to the doctor today and I have a colostomy scheduled for December. The doctor said that he did not want to put me through anything else until I have done some healing, boy was I glad. I will not have it done until after I get back from my cruise. I will be able to eat while I am gone. My boss is going to flip over this, but just think I have been checked from head to toe and should be good to go for the following year.

I am going to a meeting tonight for continuing education for work. It is a two hour class. I was already signed up before I had my surgery scheduled. It will be fine because all I am going to do is sit and listen to someone talk.

Christy goes to the doctor tomorrow and we will see if they will induce labor. I am going to go to the doctor with her. Who knows we may have a baby in the next couple of days. I will be sure to keep you informed of the progress.

I have done a lot of running today. As I said I went to the doctor and then I went to the hospital to talk to them in Human Resources about my co-payment for the hospital stay in Birmingham. They told me that they were still waiting for paper work from my doctor but last week he told me that he had everything that he needed. I will have to stay on top of it or I want get anything done through them. They seem to think that they will be able to get it wavered because there is not the kind of specialist here that I had to go see. We will see what happens.

I am going to go so that I can get something to eat before I head to my meeting. Have a great afternoon. More later..................

Monday, October 27, 2008

How are you guys doing? I am doing great. My back pain has eased off quite a bit. It is almost back to normal. I will start my walking but I am not ready for a marathon and I probably never will be.

The weather is a little cool this morning and the wind is blowing pretty hard. It will be a little cool to walk. But I need to start sometime.

I received my bill from the hospital and it was over $27,000. Boy I am glad I don't have to pay that much. I am still waiting for the insurance to see if they are going to waiver the five hundred dollars fee. I am going to go check on that tomorrow and see if I can find out any information.

I have to go to the doctor tomorrow to see about having a colostomy done. That should be a blast. NOT It will probably be done sometime during November. Tell me I don't know how to have fun. Anybody want to join me in all this fun. I am sure there are no takers out there.

Christy had an ultrasound done on Friday to see how big the baby is and they estimated the baby weighs almost 7 pounds 8 ounces. She goes back to the doctor on Wednesday and she hopes that if she is favorable that he will go ahead and induce labor. She is ready to get this over with.

Well, I am going to go start some spaghetti sauce for supper. I will get back to you later. Have a great day......

Saturday, October 25, 2008

I am watching the Alabama football game and it is half time. As of now Bama is ahead but they are known for not playing well in the second half. So we will see how it goes. Bama is ranked #2 as of now.

I had a good night last night even though I was out with the grand kids. I had a good nights rest and was able to sleep all night. I will start my walking back on Monday. It will be kind of slow to start with.

I went with Christy this morning to have breakfast, her treat and then we headed to a large garage sale at the farm center. We didn't find anything that we could do without. Christopher found himself a firefighters outfit for two dollars.

When we got home he put on his suit and headed outside to put out fires with his squirt gun. He did that several times also putting the fire out where his moms car was on fire. After that decided that it was time to help he cats out of the tree. He told us that he saved two cats. He had a ball. Then it was time to wash Nana's car with Riley. Jonathan spent the weekend with a friend.

I am going to go so that I can watch the second half of the game. Talk to you guys later.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Not much going on today. It has been a dreary day. It has rained most of the day and we really needed the rain.

I took Christopher to a harvest party tonight since his parents were working. He had a good time. He was so excited that he was able to go. I satmost of the time and let someone else chase him for me.

I just hope I didn't over due it. I know I need to take it easy. I am planning on it the rest of the weekend. I just couldn't stand to see Christopher upset.

Well, I am not going to stay on to much. I am going to call it a night and get some rest.

Talk to you guys later.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I almost over done it yesterday.....

Christy was off yesterday and she came by and got me and we went out and had lunch. After lunch I needed to go pick up a few things from Wal-mart and we headed there. After finishing there we went to pick Jonathan up from school and by the time I got home I was hurting and ready to just take a pain pill and relax. That is just what I did. I definitely got my walking in yesterday.

I know that I am not yet ready to be out for a long period of time. I am going to give it a few more days before I head back out for awhile. It is suppose to rain for the next couple of days so that will help to stay put.

Today was a take it easy day. I did not do a lot of anything. I worked on my cross-stitch and I fixed vegetable soup for supper. Nothing to stressful.

I finally talked to someone at the Human Resource office today and they have gotten all the paperwork they need to see about wavering the deductibles for me since I had to go to Birmingham to have surgery. We will see how it all works out.

Well, I am going to call it a night and lay down for awhile. I will be so glad when my back quits hurting. Have a great day!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

I took a little walk today and it felt pretty good. I had a problem with getting rid of a headache. I have had one most of the day and I just popped some pills to get through the pain.

We had a little cooler weather this morning when I got up. It was in the low fifties and I think the highs were in the mid seventies. I can tell cooler weather is on it's way. I like it cooler not colder.

One of the ladies from church brought over a meal for us tonight. I tried to tell them on Friday that I did not need for them to bring food over but sometimes it is just easier to let them do then to argue with them. I was a nice meal and we didn't have to cook. There is suppose to be someone else bringing us a meal tomorrow night. I have a great church family and the have always been very supportive of the decisions that I have made over the several months.

Christy has only sixteen more days before her due date. She is really miserable and ready to have that baby anytime. Even Chad says she looks worn out. Maybe we want have to wait to many more days.

I am going to call it a night and I will fill more in tomorrow afternoon. Have a great day.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Taking it easy today....

I did manage to get the dishes out of the dishwasher and load it back up today but other than that I just sat around and watched TV most of the morning. Chad and the boys came over after church and I entertained the boys as well as I could. We sat on the back porch and blew bubbles for awhile and then we watched the show Dirty Jobs.

I still have not heard from my youngest son. I did not talk to him before I went into surgery and I haven't talked to him since I got out of surgery. The bad thing about that is that the day I had surgery he was in Birmingham and he couldn't take the time out to come by and check on me before he went home. he said that he needed to get home because his wife was cooking tender loins for dinner and he didn't want to miss out on a good meal. I know where I stand. I am not going to call him. I am going to wait and see how long it will take before he calls me and when he does call I am going to let him know how I feel about the whole situation. Enough on that.

Things are getting a little easier. I am at able to sleep all night in my bed and that has really helped. I am not sleeping all night without waking up. Then I have to get up and reposition myself to another spot. This goes on all night.

Well, I am going to go since sitting up or laying down to long hurts and it is time to move around a little. Thanks for the encouragement. More later.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Feeling even better today. I have only had to take one pain pill today. I don't think that I am going to have to take any tonight to be able to sleep. My back has finally eased up. I think it was bothering me more than my stomach. Getting gooder and gooder every day. (The gooder word is for Dennis from this southern chick)

I was able to sleep all night in my bed last night. It takes a little time to get settled but at least it is more comfortable than the recliner. I use lots of pillows.

GO BAMA!!! They won again. They are ranked #2. They won again but not by much. The score was 24-20. If they would learn to play as good in the second half as they do in the first half it is no telling what the score would be. Since I couldn't go anywhere today I was able to watch the whole game without interference.

Not a lot going on around here other than just sitting around watching tv. I am going to try to do some of my cross-stitchiong tomorrow, since I can't do a lot of moving around. Give me a few more days and I will be getting around pretty good.

I'm going to go for now and you guys have a great day!!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to jot a few lines to let everyone know that I am doing okay. Moving on the slow side but it will get better.

I received a call from Dr. Alveraz from Birmingham yesterday. He called to check up on me and to tell me that they did find tumor cells in my uterus but that he thought that everything would be fine with doing the hysterectomy. i will go back to see him in four weeks.

I also want to say that I appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers throughout this process. It is great to know that so many people are concerned for me. It really means a lot to me.

Dennis, I promise that in the next couple of weeks I will get a new picture. One with a smiling face and glad that this is all over with.

I am going to go take a pain pill and rest for awhile. I will write more later.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

This is going to be short and sweet. I am having some problems with my computer staying on for any length of time. I am going to have Chad check it out later on today. I may end up taking it to the shop. But that will have to wait until after I get better.

I will not be writing for a few days due to haveing surgery. I will be back later on in the week. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.

Talk to you later in the week.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Not a good evening...

I am not doing good right now. I am a little aggravated with my children. It seems like my surgery is an inconvenience to them. I told them not to worry about it and that I would just take myself there. We really don't like the idea of Christy driving back by herself considering she is pregnant and Chad really doesn't want her to come back by herself. I then decided to call Michael and his response was that he would be here if I needed him to be but that he had a meeting that could be a great career move. As for Jason he can't take off work either because he is already taking off the last four days of the week for a wedding and he can't afford to take off. So right now I am not doing real good. I hope tomorrow will be better.

Dennis, I have no idea when I will get the picture changed. I will work on it after I get through with all this other mess going on. The picture is the last of my worries.

I am going to go. I really don't feel like doing this at all. I will try more tomorrow.
Boy, did I get a surprise yesterday....

My trip to Birmingham was a success. My surgery is scheduled for Tuesday. I have to be there on Monday for all my labs . I will be in for two days. I am glad that it is all scheduled and I can get it all over with.

I also went to the genetics clinic to see what the chances are of me getting breast cancer since my mom had breast cancer and the odds are greater at getting cancer just because I am a woman. At least it is a good thing to know. One less thing to worry about.

There isn't a lot to let everyone know other than I appreciate all your thoughts and prayers. It means a lot to me. I will update more later on this weekend.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A another day in my life....

I went with Christy to see her doctor since he is the same one that I see because I had a question that I wanted to ask him. I asked him what were the pros and cons in having the surgery in Dothan other than Birmingham. His response was that he could do the surgery but that if they opened me up and found cancer they would have to call in a surgeon and they would not have to do that in Birmingham. He said that if I was his mother that is where he would want the surgery done. I told him then that settled it then. I am Birmingham bound.

While I was on my lunch break I had to go over to the hospital to check on my stocks that are offered to us through work. After I finished I didn't understand any more than I did when I went in. The representative told me that he did not see any red flags on my funds and that he would just let them stay since I was in no hurry to retire.

Before I went in to speak to him I spoke to Keith(he is over my department) and he asked me how I was doing and I told him to ask me after tomorrow when I finished up with my appointment in Birmingham. He asked me why I was going there and I explained it to him. I told him that it was going to end up costing me a lot more than it would by having it done in Dothan. I then went to meet with the gut that handles our mutual funds or investments.

Before I came out he told the reception that he wanted to talk to me and I thought that was pretty weird because I wanted to speak to him also. Anyway, he told me to get Dr. Lazenby to get him a referral on me to Birmingham and he would see if he could get the co-payments wavered. He said that he may not be able to but that he would give it a try. I told him that was all that anyone could ask for. So it may work out all together.

I better call it a night. It is already late and I have an early day tomorrow. I have to leave Dothan around five in the morning. Just continue praying and keeping me in you thoughts as I approach this hurdle coming up in my life. I'm okay with the whole thing because I know that God is in control.

I will fill you in tomorrow evening.
Good Morning....

Dennis, I am sorry for making you worry. I didn't mean to do that. I will try to do better and keep you informed. Thanks for being concerned and caring. You are a special friend to me. Hey, congratulations on the new mini. At least you can ride it in the winter and stay warm and you can't do that on your hog.

I guess some of you thought that I just disappeared, but I didn't. I have a lot on my mind lately and I just haven't felt like messing with anything. I will be glad when tomorrow is over and I will know a little more about what they are going to do with me. The now knowing to me is harder than knowing. I can't make any plans until I get all this surgery set up and over with.

I am going to go talk to the doctor this morning and see if there is any chance I can have the surgery done here instead of three hours away. I found out that it is going to cost me more to go to Birmingham to have the surgery and that is okay if both doctors feel that it is at my best interest. It would be a lot more convenient for me to have it in Dothan. We will wait and see what the doctors say. I will do what they think is best for me.

I am also going to the genetics clinic while I am in Birmingham to discuss having the test to see how much at rick I am to having breast cancer. If the risk is high then there may be another surgery in the future. That is yet to be seen.

With doing the history on my parents family I found out that my grandmother was only 57 when she died with cancer and my mom was first diagnosed when she was 25 and then again with leukemia when she was 58. At my age that is young....

My mom asked me if I wanted her to cancel our cruise and I told her as of right now "no", that we would wait and see what the doctors say and see how soon I can get the surgery scheduled.

I am going with Christy this morning and see if I can talk to the doctor. We are using the same one just for different reasons. GRIN!!! Because I am not the pregnant one. We need to see if he is going to let her go with me to Birmingham if I end up having surgery there.

Well it is almost time for me to head out to meet Christy so I will feel everyone in later tonight. Maybe. If not then I will feel you in tomorrow after my doctors appointments. I am going to try to get to bed earlier tonight since I have to be out of the door by five in the morning.

Thanks for all of your love, concern, and prayers.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Another sleepless night....

My nights are getting bad. I am not sleeping well. Maybe after I see the doctor on Thursday it will be better. I have lots of questions running through my head with no answers. Hopefully I will have them answered on Thursday.

Not a lot going on today. Well that isn't totally right. We are having homecoming at church today and we will have a large crowd there with lots of children. We rent moon walks for the children and they get pizza, coke, cotton candy, popcorn, and several activities to do while the adults are eating dinner in the fellowship hall. W usually have over six hundred in attendance.

Bama won again. They are undefeated as of know. As of the standings before the game I think they were ranked number two. Yahoo!!!! The score yesterday was 17-14. I was a close game and of course I missed it again because of running around with Christy. That is okay to because we had a good time. We listened to part of it on the radio between shopping.

I went to Christy's house yesterday morning and we redone the boys room and set up there beds. They need to get some new mattress for the beds. We got there new sheets to fix up there room when Christy has the new baby. They are going to have their room done in transformers and I was suppose to be the one to fix them up but that may change.

We then headed off to her baby shower that her work gave her. It was very nice and she recieved a lot of nice things. Her boss paid for hers and my meal which was very nice. She will probably have another on from church. She really doesn't need a lot of things but it is always nice to get new things.

I am going to go for now and get things ready for the day. Have a wonderful day.

Friday, October 3, 2008

What a loooong night.....

I had a really hard time sleeping last night. I may have gotten five hours if I was lucky. I was on the computer around four this morning because I couldn't sleep. Part of it was thinking about all the questions that I needed to ask the doctor and trying to figure out who is going to go to the hospital with me. If I have it done the week of the Oct.13-17, I have no idea who is going to be there. Christy is in no shape and Michelle and Jason are going to North Carolina for her sister's wedding. I am sure that I will figure something out. Any helpers out there....... I probably didn't get

I received a phone call around lunch time and scheduled my appointment for the specialist in Birmingham. I will be going up there on Thursday Oct. 9th. I have to be there by 9:30 and it will take over three hours to get there. I may end up going up by myself. I don't think anyone can get off of work. If I can get the surgery for the following week than it will be a go.

I guess that you have to be careful of what you ask for. I need some excitement in my life but this is not what I bargained for. Well I guess this will slow me down for awhile but I will be up and ready to to face the world head on.

So, Dennis, you don't like the was this southern gal types. My fingers get faster than my mind. I did read over it but I guess I didn't catch that mistake. I am just trying to keep you laughing. I can guarantee you that it will happen again and you can laugh at me again. It is good that I have a good sense of humor or it could hurt my feelings.

I will be sure to keep you guys informed on my progress. Maybe I could borrow Christy's or Jason's laptop while I am at the hospital. Probably not. Thanks for keeping me in your prayers. I know that the Lord will take care of me and things will be good, but there is still some concern.
A sleepless morning......

I am not sure why I am not sleeping at 3:45 in the morning. Some if may be due to the news that I received yesterday. I am not worried but concerned. Well maybe a little worried. Maybe I will hear from the doctor in Birmingham today and we can get things going. I was just complaining about my life being boring and now I have several things coming up in the future. A new grand son to arrive soon, surgery, and a trip with my mom on a cruise boat. All within the next few weeks.

My boss is going to flip her lid when I come in for work this morning and tell her that I am going to be out of work for six weeks. We will already have one person out for her maternity leave and then I will be out also. I did figure my six rime up and I will have plenty to take care of me being out.

Tomorrow I am going to be spending the day with Christy and the boys. We are going to work on the boys room and get it ready for the new baby and we will also work on the babies room because Christy hasn't gotten clothes washed or bedding ready for the new one. I will have to light a candle under her feet to get it done.

I told Christy about me having a hysterectomy abd she seem okay with it but when I told Michelle(my daughter-in-law) she just cried. I told her that I would be alright and it took me awhile to calm her down. She is not real close to her mom so we have really grown close together and she just doesn't want me to have to go through any more bad things. She knew how my ex treated me and she is just worried. She offered to go to the hospital with me if for some reason that Christy couldn't go. She is a good daughter-in-law.

Well, since it is almost five I am going to try to lay down and see if maybe I can get a couple more hours of sleeep. I don't really think it is going to happen but at least it is worth a try. I will update later on today. Have a blessed morning and a great day.....

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My morning started off at around six this morning. I woke up and I could not go back to sleep. I decided to go ahead and get up since I was going to meet Chad and Christy around seven. I went ahead and got dressed and was putting on my shoes when Christy called me. We went and got the pool that one of her friends gave her and loaded it in the back of her SUV. That thing was heavy. After loading the pool up Chad headed to work and Christy, the boys, and I headed to McDonald's for breakfast and of course I took care of the bill. Not to bad it was under ten dollars. Jonathan decided that he did not want his mom to take him to school. He wanted his Nana to take him to school so of course I couldn't tell him no. I don't do that much. After dropping him off it was almost eight so I decided to go to the park and walk the trail. I have never walked it before. I thought it was only a two mile trail and it ended up being three miles. It was really nice out there and it was a different scenery. It took me almost an hour to walk it. I even jogged part of it. After I went to work I had told some of my co-workers that I had walked the trail and they asked me if I was by myself and I told them yes and the proceeded to tell me that there had been some people attacked out there last year. That was very encouraging. I could see where that could be possible because you are in the woods for most of the trail.

After walking the three miles I came home and took a shower and headed to the clinic and received my flu shot before going to work. My arm is a little sore but not to bad.

I received an e-mail from mom and we are booked for a cruise from Dec.11 through Dec. 15. It is going to be great. I talked to my boss about getting off and she said that it would not be a problem. We have a room with an ocean view. The one that I went on before we were on the inside.

Tomorrow morning we are suppose to be waking up to the weather being in the high forties. We are not use to cold weather so there will be a lot of people in jackets. It want be me. I am ready for the cooler weather.

That is all that is going on in this southern girls life. I hope this everyday stuff doesn't bore you guys to much. My life is just laid back and easy going. Have a wonderful evening and keep smiling.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Not much excitement going on this week. Just a regular work week and I am not taking any time off for awhile. I am building up my personnel days off for several things that I am working on in the near future. I have at least two trips that I am planning if not three and I need to build up some time. More on the trips as the work out.

Two of the test that I had done last week has come back normal and I am still waiting on two more. I am going to go in the morning and get my flu shot. The hospital offers it free to their employers. It seems like t after going to a real doctor instead of the ones at the military base that I have more appointments that I really care to have. Most of them are just for precaution.

Tomorrow is our hospital wide appreciation day and we are allowed to wear jeans and our favorite team shirt. Of course I will wear my Alabama shirt. When we get the chance to wear something besides our uniform we jump at it. I hope the weather isn't to hot or we will be miserable. The hospital will serve us a meal. It is usually chicken, hot dogs, or hamburgers with a couple of side orders.

I am to meet Chad and Christy in the morning to help them load up a swimming pool. One of the girls that Christy works for has given her an above ground pool at no charge. It is to bad she has no wear to set it up, but by next year she may. She said they were going to try to get a loan to buy a house and even if they didn't they were going to move because she can't live two doors down from her dad because he drives her crazy. She told me that when she moved out from there that I needed to move in and I told her that there was NO way that I was going to live that close to her dad.

Christy only has about a month left and she will be so glad when it is over. I told her that I hope this will be her last one but I am not going to hold my breathe because I probably wouldn't live very long. Chad says no more but that is what he said after Jonathan and now her comes the third boy. Her birthday is next week and we are going to have pedicures done together for her birthday gift. It will be fun.

I am going to go for the evening. Have a wonderful evening and enjoy your tomorrow.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Got up this morning and decided to go for a bike ride instead of walking. I road two miles this morning. Tomorrow I will walk. Sometimes it is nice to change things up. I will probably do a workout also. I haven't been to the gym in awhile so maybe I will do that. It is just nicer to walk outside with the nice weather.

We had a staff meeting this evening and of course it was the same old thing as always. Sometimes they are informing but most of the time they are just a repeat from the month before and that is because we have workers that don't follow directions. Enough on that.

It looks like I may be going on a cruise with mom around the 11th of December. If the plans work out it will be fun to go with mom and some great memories along with pictures. I will keep you informed on the progress.

I have been looking at new monitors for my computer but so far I have not purchased on. I have found some good prices but I just haven't bit the bullet yet and ordered one. Maybe in the next few weeks.

Christy is redoing the boys room and she wants me to come over on Saturday and help her out. Her plans are to get the boys new spreads for their bed when she goes to the hospital to have the baby. Their room would be fixed up with transformers and when they returned home with a new baby then they would also have a new room to go. It will be something special just for them.

I forgot to tell everyone that Bama won again. Score was 41-30. They almost screwed up the second half. It probably wasn't a pleasant ride back to Alabama considering how they played the second quarter.

Well, I am going to call it a night so have a great evening and stay out of trouble.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Not a very productive weekend on my part. I spent most of the weekend doing as little as possible. Sometimes that is nice to do. I did manage to get some clothes washed but other than that nothing else.

I went to church tonight and the pastor had some really good news. We are in a building program and the man that donated 93 thousand dollars a few years ago gave the church a metal building that is worth around 250 thousand. This man does not even go to our church. He has watched our church grow over the past several years and wanted to be part of the ministry. He is a member of another local church. The church is raising funds for a larger building but the one that has been donated will seat about 350 more people than our building does now. Then in the near future if we continue growing them there is still the possibility for us to use the building for a gym for the school. Isn't God good!!! He gave us what we needed. Everyone at church tonight was excited that this time next year that we will be in our new building and also renovate the old building into classrooms.

There isn't a lot to tell since it was a lazy weekend but I wanted to share the good news with you. Have a great week. More Later.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Started my morning out by heading to the doctor for an ultrasound. I have no idea if they found anything. The nurse is suppose to call me with the results. I will probably call sometime Monday and see if they have the result yet. After leaving the doctors office I headed to McDonald's for a tea, an I read my book for awhile. I refilled my tea after a while and headed for work. The girl that I usually give a break to at one was not there so I took a longer lunch and I headed to Taco Bell. After eating I decided to read for awhile.

Work went well and I stayed until almost seven tonight. I worked in the office so that the girl in the office could go out with some of her friends. One thing I can say about my work place is that we all work together as a team. We had one girl come in today at 2:30 and she was having problems with her asthma, so several of us worked it out so she did not have to stay for long. We are always looking out for each other and there aren't many work places that would do that.

When I got home this afternoon I checked my e-mail and I had one from my mom and she asked me if I wanted to make to go on a cruise with her and I said that I would love to. It would only cost me what spending money I wanted to take. If she can talk Johnny into it then we will either go in November or December. When we went last time it was great. I really love just sitting outside and letting the wind blow my hair. This one would be better than the last one because I don't have to worry about a man to bug me. Cause I don't have one to answer to. YEA!!!! I will find out more information in a few days. If it works out it will be great. It will be something that I would be great memories that I would cherish for a long time, just being with my mom.

Tomorrow Chad and I are going to take the boys to Lowe's. They are suppose to build something out of wood. I have no idea what. I am going for moral support for Chad because Christy has to work. Jonathan went a couple of weeks ago and he made a pirate ship. He was so proud of it. I will probably go tomorrow afternoon and clean my car really well. I have got to get those love bugs off my car. They are some nasty bugs.

Alan went to the doctor today and got his stitches out today. He has a tendon under his arm that is pulling all the way down his arm but the doctor says that it will get better. He also told him that he needed to really work his arm by stretching it toward him or he would have no forward movement within a year. He said the doctor pushed forward and he almost came off the seat. He said that it really hurt, which I am sure it did. Sometimes he is just a wimp and yes I tell him that too.

Well I am going to go for now. I may or may not get a chance to write tomorrow, so I will catch you when I can. Have a great weekend.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

As the day has come to an end I will look forward to tomorrow. Yea! It's Friday. Not much going on to exciting in my life. Just working and seeing doctors. What fun. Work today was alright. My kids were a handful so I decided the best thing to do was take them outside and let them enjoy the nice weather.

I will probably work until seven tomorrow. I will find out for sure sometime tomorrow afternoon. The lady in the office is going to babysit tomorrow night and she wants me to work for her. Extra hours.

No big plans for the weekend. I may have the boys on Saturday and if I do we are going to go to Lowe's for a kids workshop. They will build something but I have no idea at this time what it will be. Then I will be babysitting a little girl that is in the second grade for awhile. I lead such as exciting life.

Since there isn't much to talk about then I am going to go for now. Maybe there will be more exciting news tomorrow but don't hold your breath, you may not live long. See ya!!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What a beautiful morning to be outside. I got up around 6:30 and made sure that Riley got up for school and I had to wake him up again at seven. He was out the door in five minutes and I headed out for my morning walk. I walked just over two miles and it was great. The weather was in the low sixties with a little breeze.

When I got back from my walk I headed to Wal-mart to pick up a few groceries. Money sure doesn't go very far when you are grocery shopping. It doesn't take long to spend a lot and then you don't have anything when you get home. It is depressing.

Christy went to the doctor today and she gained three pounds and the doctor was pleased. She has only gained two pounds this whole pregnancy. She asked the doctor if he could tell her about what size the baby would be and he told her that an estimated guess would be around eight pounds.

I am off tomorrow. I have to head to the doctor for a check-up and then I am going to go clean my car. Then who knows from there.

Dennis, what did the doctor say about your foot? I hope your foot will feel better soon. I know how much pain your heel can cause.

Well, I am going to go for now. I will write more later. Have a good evening.

Monday, September 22, 2008

I made it through the day even though I wasn't really up to my old self. I am feeling some better today but my stomach is still a little blah. Maybe by tomorrow I will be back to my self. I decided not to go to the gym this afternoon due to not feeling great. Tomorrow will be a better day.

I am trying to get tomorrow afternoon off so that I can help Christy move an entertainment center. There is a place that buys used furniture and they said that they would buy it from her and she is going to use the money to buy the boys a set of bunk beds. I am not sure that I can help her out because nobody wants to work my afternoon shift. I will try in the morning and if it doesn't work out then I will just work. These girls complain about not having any work then when you want them to work they don't want to work the shift that is until six and that is my shift.

Christy is having trouble with her feet and ankles swelling and if she isn't careful they doctor is going to put her on bed rest. They may even cut her hours back. She only has six weeks to go. The doctor said that she may not go until November. Time will tell.

We are going to have some wonderful weather the next week. The highs are going to be in the eighties with low humidity and the nights are going to be in the high fifties and the low sixties. It will be great walking weather in the mornings. I didn't make it this morning because I wasn't feeling well but I'll be out there tomorrow.

There is not much news to write about. Things are kind of boring around here so I will tell you guys to have a great evening and more tomorrow. Take care.....

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My day started off pretty rotten. I got up this morning as usually to get ready for church and I felt a little sick to my stomach. No trip to McDonald's because I didn't think My stomach could handle it. I took me some crackers and headed to church because I was feeling a little better. Made it through church and headed home.

After getting home I started feeling bad again so again I didn't eat because the thought of food wasn't good, I headed up stairs and hit the bed and there is where I have been all day. I have slept most of the day now I am wide awake. It is going to be a long night. I ate a few more crackers and I still feel BLAH. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Tomorrow starts another week and I sure hope I feel better tomorrow. I am off Wednesday for a doctor appointment. What fun.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Today Christy and I started out at about nine o'clock, we stopped by McDonald's and grabbed us a biscuit then headed to Ozark to check out a place called Kid's Market. We found several good buys and was able to get several outfits and things for the new baby. We found a few things for the other two boys also, just not as much.

After getting home a friend of mine had a dresser she wanted to get rid of so she gave it to Christy. we went over and loaded it up and headed to her house with it. We took Alan's truck so he decided to go with us. On the way home Alan and I decide to head to Taco Bell for supper.

This weekend has not been a good weekend for a diet because I have blown it all the way around. We had cake at work for a co-workers birthday and then to Savannah's party where there was more cake and ice cream. Then of course taco's for supper. Oh well, I will start over come Monday morning. Sometimes you just have days like that but always get back on track, which is what I intend to do.

Alabama did it again. GO BAMA!!!! 49-17 They now have four wins. Maybe they will keep up the good job.

Have a great day and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Friday, September 19, 2008

I wasn't going to write on my blog tonight until I read the response from Dennis. You are not going to believe this but it was my right heel also. How weird is that. Mine hurt the same place that yours does and it doesn't feel good at all. I am glad someone has my sympathy pains. THANKS!!! I don't wish that pain on anyone because I know how it feels and it HURTS.

The birthday party went really well. She had icing all over her face. You didn't have to encourage her to eat her cake, she went into it with both hands and ate the whole thing. She had blue frosting all over her face. We said that she looked like a smurf. She had a good time.

Of course when I got there and my ex was at the door and saw that I was getting ready to come up the steps he slammed the door just before I got there. He is such a butt hole. I didn't get to spend as much time with Savannah as I would have like to because Carol(my ex's wife) had to take over and acted like she was the only person that Savannah wanted . I told Michelle that since I wasn't working on Wednesday that I would probably come over and spend some time with the kids. Other than that it was a good night.

Michelle's sister was over there and complimented me on the way I looked. She has not seen me since I put a perm in my hair. She said that she liked it and she also said that it looked like I had lost some weight and I told her that I had. I wore a skort to the party and Michelle told her sister that I had good looking legs and that was good because your legs usually go last. Whatever that meant. I guess I still have some good years on these legs. It was good to hear that someone noticed that I lost some weight.

I am going to go for now and do some reading. I have to go get Christy in the morning around nine. We are going to a large yard sale and see if we can find some things for the boys and the new baby. Want to tag along?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Howdy, this evening. My heel is doing great and I am sore from the workout that I did this morning and I new I would be. Tomorrow will be a morning walk again and then more cardio and then get ready for another day at work.

I will have to get the things ready to take to Savannah in the morning, for her birthday since I am going to their house right from work. I also have to take another outfit to change into just because I don't want to show up in my uniform. Our uniforms are not very flattering, so I would like to at least look a little better.

Well. not much to write on tonight. I will fill everyone in on the birthday party tomorrow night. I am going to see if I can set up the Picasa photo omline. Thanks Dennis, I forgot what it was called.
GOOD MORNING!!!! I got up and decided to take a walk outside. I walked almost two miles and it was a beautiful morning to get out. After walking I did a twenty minute cardio workout and I can tell it already. I will probably end up sore but that is part of the whole workout. I hope that my heel will do alright. It is hurting some but maybe the Ibuprofen will help. More on that later.

We have a birthday party to go to tomorrow night. My Savannah turned one yesterday so her party will be tomorrow. Look for pictures later on. Maybe by the weekend. I am still trying to figure out how to do the picture thing. I'll get it sometime. I may end up finding someone to show me how.

Dennis, where have you been hiding. I haven't talked to you in awhile. Catch you whenever.

It is that time again, time to head to work. More later on this evening. Have a wonderful day.