Monday, October 27, 2008

How are you guys doing? I am doing great. My back pain has eased off quite a bit. It is almost back to normal. I will start my walking but I am not ready for a marathon and I probably never will be.

The weather is a little cool this morning and the wind is blowing pretty hard. It will be a little cool to walk. But I need to start sometime.

I received my bill from the hospital and it was over $27,000. Boy I am glad I don't have to pay that much. I am still waiting for the insurance to see if they are going to waiver the five hundred dollars fee. I am going to go check on that tomorrow and see if I can find out any information.

I have to go to the doctor tomorrow to see about having a colostomy done. That should be a blast. NOT It will probably be done sometime during November. Tell me I don't know how to have fun. Anybody want to join me in all this fun. I am sure there are no takers out there.

Christy had an ultrasound done on Friday to see how big the baby is and they estimated the baby weighs almost 7 pounds 8 ounces. She goes back to the doctor on Wednesday and she hopes that if she is favorable that he will go ahead and induce labor. She is ready to get this over with.

Well, I am going to go start some spaghetti sauce for supper. I will get back to you later. Have a great day......

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