Friday, October 10, 2008

Not a good evening...

I am not doing good right now. I am a little aggravated with my children. It seems like my surgery is an inconvenience to them. I told them not to worry about it and that I would just take myself there. We really don't like the idea of Christy driving back by herself considering she is pregnant and Chad really doesn't want her to come back by herself. I then decided to call Michael and his response was that he would be here if I needed him to be but that he had a meeting that could be a great career move. As for Jason he can't take off work either because he is already taking off the last four days of the week for a wedding and he can't afford to take off. So right now I am not doing real good. I hope tomorrow will be better.

Dennis, I have no idea when I will get the picture changed. I will work on it after I get through with all this other mess going on. The picture is the last of my worries.

I am going to go. I really don't feel like doing this at all. I will try more tomorrow.


Leann said...

Cathy, I am sorry you're going thru such heartache with your children. I can certainly understand and relate. For all of the things we do for them, we ask so little in return.

Hang in there girl!!

denny said...

Cathy, first off, I am sorry you took my feeble attempt at lightening your mood so seriously... The picture was just something I tried to use to take your mind off the pending surgery for a moment or two...

Regarding the kids, It appears to me that their own interests and needs seem to outweigh their desire to be supportive of you... should tell you something I guess. Seeing as how I know them all personally, please relay to them my disappointment in them. Wish I could be there to support you but I can't. Know that you are in my thoughts though. I am certain that things will work out just fine but is it terribly disappointing to have children that aren't supportive of you in your time of need.