Friday, September 26, 2008

Started my morning out by heading to the doctor for an ultrasound. I have no idea if they found anything. The nurse is suppose to call me with the results. I will probably call sometime Monday and see if they have the result yet. After leaving the doctors office I headed to McDonald's for a tea, an I read my book for awhile. I refilled my tea after a while and headed for work. The girl that I usually give a break to at one was not there so I took a longer lunch and I headed to Taco Bell. After eating I decided to read for awhile.

Work went well and I stayed until almost seven tonight. I worked in the office so that the girl in the office could go out with some of her friends. One thing I can say about my work place is that we all work together as a team. We had one girl come in today at 2:30 and she was having problems with her asthma, so several of us worked it out so she did not have to stay for long. We are always looking out for each other and there aren't many work places that would do that.

When I got home this afternoon I checked my e-mail and I had one from my mom and she asked me if I wanted to make to go on a cruise with her and I said that I would love to. It would only cost me what spending money I wanted to take. If she can talk Johnny into it then we will either go in November or December. When we went last time it was great. I really love just sitting outside and letting the wind blow my hair. This one would be better than the last one because I don't have to worry about a man to bug me. Cause I don't have one to answer to. YEA!!!! I will find out more information in a few days. If it works out it will be great. It will be something that I would be great memories that I would cherish for a long time, just being with my mom.

Tomorrow Chad and I are going to take the boys to Lowe's. They are suppose to build something out of wood. I have no idea what. I am going for moral support for Chad because Christy has to work. Jonathan went a couple of weeks ago and he made a pirate ship. He was so proud of it. I will probably go tomorrow afternoon and clean my car really well. I have got to get those love bugs off my car. They are some nasty bugs.

Alan went to the doctor today and got his stitches out today. He has a tendon under his arm that is pulling all the way down his arm but the doctor says that it will get better. He also told him that he needed to really work his arm by stretching it toward him or he would have no forward movement within a year. He said the doctor pushed forward and he almost came off the seat. He said that it really hurt, which I am sure it did. Sometimes he is just a wimp and yes I tell him that too.

Well I am going to go for now. I may or may not get a chance to write tomorrow, so I will catch you when I can. Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

denny said...

You need to update your blog lady...