Saturday, November 8, 2008

I started my day out by going to Christy's and helping the boys pick up pecans. They are both saving for a big toy and we told them that if they wanted it bad enough they would have to help. We picked up three five gallon buckets in about two hours. They sold some the end of the week and they ended up with almost twenty dollars. They were so excited. They will probably end up with fifty or sixty dollars. The two of them worked right along witht the adults. They did an awesome job today.

After helping the boys pick up pecans I headed home and had some lunch and got ready for the BAMA football game. It was an exciting game. We were ahead 7-0 fot the first quarter but at half time it was tied at 14. In the fiurth quarted we we tied again at 21 and in ovewr time Bama came out with a victory witht he score of 27-21. They are undefeated and are ranked #1. They have two more games for this season before playoff. GO BAMA!!!!!!!!!

I talked to Christy around seven and she said that she was having contractions but that she did the same thing last night and they stopped, so we will see if I get a phone call during the night.

I called the doctor in Birmingham yesterday and had my appointment changed to Monday so that if they put Christy in on Thursday I could be with her. The lady I talked to told me that if we had a baby this weekend to call her on Monday and that she would move me back to Thursday. She was so willing to work with me and that really means a lot today because there aren't many people that would do that now.

I am going to call it a night. I am beat from picking up pecans. Have a great evening.

1 comment:

denny said...

Boy, the time is certainly getting close isn't it Cathy... I can appreciate Christys wanting it to be over with.

Pecans, one of my favorite nuts... you are so lucky that they grow there naturally. We have walnuts and hazelnuts but no Pecans. darn it.

Hope your day is good and Glad to see Bama is keeping ahead of the game.

Take care my friend.