Thursday, February 26, 2009

What a beautiful aday we had yesterday... It was seventy and sunny. Today is also going to be beautiful day. It is going to be around seventy five degrees. These are the days that we would rather be outside all day. But that is not going top happen.

I go to the doctor again today to see how my blood work-up came out. Maybe I want have to see another doctor anytime soon. I am really looking forward to slowing down on these docotrs visits.

I did get my day off for my surgery. I guess my boss decided that she should go ahead and give it to me because I wasn't going to back down on it anyway.

Well, this is short and sweet but all thingsa must come to an end sometime and since I have to get to the doctors and to work I had better wrap this up. More later...

Have a blessed day and in God we trust.

1 comment:

denny said...

If it is indeed such a beautiful day my dear... you should go for a walk