Friday, February 20, 2009

I decided to get up early and get some clothes washed or I wasn't going to have anything to wear to work and I don't think they would like that at work. After getting the clothes going I can get some up-dates done. It seems like everyday I was having to get out of the house early for a docot or dentist appointment. Today was the only day that I didn't have to leave early. I am still waiting to hear the results from the two spots they removed last week. I don't really think there was anything to them but it is always good to hear something one way or the other.

I talked to mom last night and she is starting to sound better. They took her offf her blod pressure medicine because her pressure was really low ans she seems to be doing better. She still is not eating very well because she says that it bothers her stomach. She has always had stomach problems. She is going to go see a doctor about that in April and maybe they can get to the bottom of it. I am planning on going to see mom again the first of March and check on her in person instead of the phone.

Dennis, I loved the pictures. I know that you guys had a blast. That is one of your dreams come true. I think I like the picture of you setting on the finish line the best. I was glad to see that the weather was good too. So are you ready to go to another race?

I checked into flights again for Oregan and they are running about $250, which isn't bad for a round trip. I will probably be booking one in the next few weeks. We were going to go on another cruise but it doesn't look like we will do one until next year. My beach trip is still up in the air also. My sister-in-law is still working on it, so maybe it will all work out.

Not a lot going on around here other than working. I am trying to keep from taking any time off so that I can build up some of my personnel time to make a trip this summer. I which I could build it up as fast as I could us it. No chance in that.

I am going to try my best to get with Alan and get my computer going. I can't use his in the evening because Riley is always on it when I come home from work and I really want to get mine going again. He said that I needed to get another router because mine is messed up so if that is what it is then I will go get a new one.

Well, I better get off here and get my lunch ready for work and hit the showers. Have a great day and be good.

1 comment:

denny said...

Lovely post Cathy, the picture on the start/finish line is great... never thought I would plant my butt there. It was a phenomenal experience and the time with Sean was priceless...

I got to see the grandkids during the Charlotte layover... not long but about 30 minutes and that was just great. Morning sickness is kicking Mandy's butt... worse this time than the other two.

I have a spot on my cheek that I am going to have checked too, don't know what it is but will let you know when I have it looked at.

Glad your Mom feels better. Kick Alan's butt and get him in gear.