Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It is still cold here!!!! We will have a few more days of cold weather and by Friday it is going to be in the seventies again. YEA!!!

I only have a few minutes to get this done and posted. I have another appointment at eight thirty today. It sems like everyday there is another appointment. I am getting tired of all them. I still have five this month and hopefully I will be finished for awhile.

I went yesterday to get my cap put on my tooth and it did not fit so I have to go back in two weeks. This added another appointment to my month. It will be worth it when I get my teeth all fixed up.

Today I am going to go see about refinancing my car and get a better interest rate. Hopefully it will work out.

We had a good visit with my dad and then we headed to see mom and we spent a couple of hours with her and had a good time. We ended up at home around ten. We are going to plan on going back to my dads when it gets warmer and take the boys fishing. My dad has a pond behind his house. They will enjoy that.

I am having a hard time getting back into my exercising program. Between all the appointments and the cold weather I am in a slump. HELP... Pull me out. I know that I am going to have to just get myself up and get back on it. The eating is not the problem the exercising is.

Dennis, if there was any way I could send you some soup I would do it. I fixed pecan pies the other week for a family gathering and the were all eaten up. I did take a little taste and it was good. To bad you couldn't have a bite. I am probably going to go pick up pecans again this weekend it is nice. I'll bring you some when I come out.

I better get off here. I have to be getting out the door to get to my appointment. Take care and I will write more tomorrow. See ya.

1 comment:

denny said...

Dear Cathy, thanks so much for the thought... I suppose the envelope would be soggy by the time it got here...

It will be nice seeing you again and the pecans will certainly be a welcome addition to my baking suppies...

Take care and 'Git er done'.