Friday, January 23, 2009

Yea, the weather is going to be a little warmer today. It is gong to be seventy today. It want last long. Tomorrow it will be raining. That is a bummer but that's life. It doesn't matter anyway because I have no plans for the weekend other than babysitting. I will probably keep the boys for Chad on Saturday for him to do ao side job and then I have to stay with a couple of kids from work Saturday night. So nothing to pressing.

Christy took the boys to the doctor and Benjamin now weighs fourteen pounds now. Jonathan weighs 48pounds and they did not weigh Christopher because he did not have an appointment and boy was he glad because the other two had shots and he didn't and of course Jonathan did not think it was fair.

My sister in law drom Robert's side is coming into town on Sunday and they want me to come over to Robert's other sister and see them. I don't know how that is going to work because his sister blames me for a lot of Robert's financial problems. So we will see how it works. I will let you know how things turn out.

Well, I better go I need to get ready for work. Talk to you guys later.


denny said...

Cathy, not that I am in any position to give you advice, but it has often been said if you stick you hand in a buck of snakes, expect to be bitten...

I would think maybe meeting them someplace neutral like maybe a restaurant might work better for you...

In either case, keep you cool and don't take any crap.

Leann said...

Enjoy the weekend Cathy.