Thursday, January 29, 2009

Good morning or evening to you depending on what time you are reading this. I hope all is well. Everyone here is doing good, just getting ready for some more cold weather. I just wish it would either stay cold or stay warm. This going back and forth is making everyone sick. That's what happens when you live in Alabama.

There isn't a lot going on around here. Just work. What fun. I guess you need to be thankful that you even have a job today and for that I am thankful. It could be worse. At least where I work we don't have to worry to much about losing our job because as long as children are being born we will have one.

I am going this weekend to see my dad and then to see my mom. It will be a long day but it will be a good one, well maybe, we are taking three boys with us. HA! HA! It sould be fine because the boys that we are taking listen pretty good and we have a tv for them to watch while we are traveling. I will let you know how the trip goes next week.

I am hoping to book my flight next month for Oregan and while I am there I really would like to go see the Redwood trees. It would be something different that I haven't seen. I will have to see how that works out. It really depends on everyones work schedule when I come out.

Well, I am going to go I need to get a few things done before I head to work. So have a great day and I will write more later. Have a great day.

1 comment:

denny said...

Cathy, glad things are going well with you...

I will keep the Redwoods in mind. Tell Christy hi and you guys have a great time.