Friday, January 30, 2009

Not much going on around here other than it has turned off cold again. I was hoping for a little warmer weather this weekend so that the boys could get out in the yard and play. It will be in the mid fifties and as long as the wind is not blowing they should be able to get outside in the middle of the day.

I have taken the afternoon off to get some things done that I want have time to do this weekend because I am going out of town. I have several errands to run. The afternoon will be gone before I know it,

I am going to get off of here for now and go put on a pot of vegetable soup for supper. Have a great weekend and stay warm.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Good morning or evening to you depending on what time you are reading this. I hope all is well. Everyone here is doing good, just getting ready for some more cold weather. I just wish it would either stay cold or stay warm. This going back and forth is making everyone sick. That's what happens when you live in Alabama.

There isn't a lot going on around here. Just work. What fun. I guess you need to be thankful that you even have a job today and for that I am thankful. It could be worse. At least where I work we don't have to worry to much about losing our job because as long as children are being born we will have one.

I am going this weekend to see my dad and then to see my mom. It will be a long day but it will be a good one, well maybe, we are taking three boys with us. HA! HA! It sould be fine because the boys that we are taking listen pretty good and we have a tv for them to watch while we are traveling. I will let you know how the trip goes next week.

I am hoping to book my flight next month for Oregan and while I am there I really would like to go see the Redwood trees. It would be something different that I haven't seen. I will have to see how that works out. It really depends on everyones work schedule when I come out.

Well, I am going to go I need to get a few things done before I head to work. So have a great day and I will write more later. Have a great day.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Since I have a few minutes before I have to get ready for work. I decided to try and get an update posted. I am still working on Alan to get my computer going again but I haven't had any luck so far. I can't figure out what his problem is. Oh well I will just keep trying. Maybe soon.

My visit with Robert's side of the family went well but I think a lot of it had to do with my sister in law calling Robeert's sister and telling her that she invited me and that I was going to be there. Right after I called her I received a call from Robert's sister Carol inviting me over for the get together. She still thinks I am the reason that Robert lost everything because she thought I had taken some money from the econd morage and put it into the bank for myself. I wished I had thought of that because I probably would have but by the time all that tok place Robert had taken care of a god part of the money bailing his nephew out of jail. Anyway enough on that. I just had to get that out.

I did talk to his sister and told her that I wasn't the reason that Robert lost everything because for six months when I was supose to get money from him I didn't push the issue because I was hoping that he was paying the house payment. That if she was upset at anyone it should be her brother.

My sister-in-law that lives out of state is planning a girls weekend in Panama City and she asked me to come down and join them over Memorial Day weekend and I think that I am going to go. It would be from Friday night through Monday. I would be there before the others came in because they would be coming from Mansfield, LA. I would go down Friday afternoon and get everything ready for them to come in late that night. Sounds like fun!!!!!!

Me, Christy, and the boys are going to visit family on Saturday since Chad is going to be out of town. We are going to start with breakfast at Golden Coral and then head out for an adventure. We are going to take her car since she has more room and a tv for the kids to watch. That way we want have to hear are we there yet. I just wish it was going to be a little warmer but it will be fine.

Yes, Dennis I know thatyou are waiting for a picture but I keep telling you that I don't take good pictures and that I will get one as soon as I can get a good one. I really am going to get a new one but it is hard to take one of yourself. Just grin and bare it. I will get one sometime.

It is time for me to get off her and gete some breakfast and pop some pills and then hit the showers for work. You guys have a great day and I will update again soon.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Well, Dennis I am not going tp take your advice because I talked to my sister in law and she told me that she wanted me there and that was the end of it and that she would put Carol in place and let her know that I was going to be there whether she liked it or not. She said this trip was for her and not for anyone else. She knows how much crap I put up with out of Robert. I will let you know how it all turned out.

I am planning on going ot see my dad and mymom both next weekend. It is going to be a lot of driving but I get it all done in one day. I am going to be taking Christy's boys with me. That should be an adventure.

I received a call from the doctor's office yesterday and they told me that they did not find any cancer in my stomach and I told them that was good. They did find a bacteria that is not good so they have put me on anti-botics for fourteen days. I am taking 3000mg a day and I have to go back in eight weeks and have another test done to make sure the meds have worked. Sometimes I feel like I am falling apart and the bad thing is that I don't even know it. HA! HA! HA!

I am going to get off here for awhile I have some groceries to put up. Have a great weekend.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Yea, the weather is going to be a little warmer today. It is gong to be seventy today. It want last long. Tomorrow it will be raining. That is a bummer but that's life. It doesn't matter anyway because I have no plans for the weekend other than babysitting. I will probably keep the boys for Chad on Saturday for him to do ao side job and then I have to stay with a couple of kids from work Saturday night. So nothing to pressing.

Christy took the boys to the doctor and Benjamin now weighs fourteen pounds now. Jonathan weighs 48pounds and they did not weigh Christopher because he did not have an appointment and boy was he glad because the other two had shots and he didn't and of course Jonathan did not think it was fair.

My sister in law drom Robert's side is coming into town on Sunday and they want me to come over to Robert's other sister and see them. I don't know how that is going to work because his sister blames me for a lot of Robert's financial problems. So we will see how it works. I will let you know how things turn out.

Well, I better go I need to get ready for work. Talk to you guys later.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Boy, has it been cold here the last couple of days. Our high yesterday was 41 but it felt like 30 because of the wind chill. Today want be much better. Our high today is only going to be 49 but things will warm up by Friday. It is going to be 70 then. No wonder everyone is sick around here. You never know how to dress for the day. That is good ole southern weather for you.

Things are going fairly good here. I did a twenty five minute cardio this morning at the house because it was to cold to get out and walk. So now I am hot. I will walk on my lunch break. I can get in about fifteen minutes but that is better than nothing. I am trying to get Christy to start walking with me but it is hard when she doesn.t get off until six and then she has to worry about little ones. Maybe I will get her to start during the summer.

I am still looking at booking a flight for the end of August. I have found a price of a little over $250. I would be there for two weeks. I will probably book it after I get my taxes back. Maybe the weather will be warmer than it was in June. I almost froze the last time I was there.

Well since there isn't much going on around here I better go get a shower and get ready for work. Have a great day and more later.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hey everyone. Still no computer up aso I amon Alan's again. Oh well thst is what happens when you live with someone else.

I had my Upper GI done on Friday and they informed me that I had to much acid in my stomach and that I was no longer to take anything that had asprins in it. They also did a bioaupsy to cjeck and see if there was any bacteria that would cause ulcers nd if it comes back postive they will put me on medicine. I guess that it could have been worse. I should ger the results back in a few days.

There isn't much going on around here other than working. The weather is warmer today.

Mote later.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Not much going around here this morning. I had a few minutes before heading out into the cold air so I decided to jot a few lines to say hi and to just update some. There want be much updating because there isn't anything going on.

Tomorrow is the big day for the upper GI, what fun. Again no food to eat for the day. You would think that as much as I haven't been able to eat the last couple of months that I would have lost all kind of weight but it doesn.t work like that. What a bummer. I will let you guys know how things turn out tomorrow or the next day.

We are having some of the coldest weather that we have had in several years. It is going to be in the teens the next couple of nights and everybody knows that us southern people ain't use to that kind of weather. We might all just freeze. It will be just fine. We will have to bundle up more.

I will be keeping the boys on Friday evening for Christy and Chad togo out for their anniversary. Number six for them.

I better get off here and head to the showers and get to work. Have a great day.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I was going to update yesteray but Riley beat me to the computerand of course he isn't going to let anyone use it. He has nothing todo but play on the computer since he was suspended from school for five days for inapproite behavior. He will go back to school on Friday and then he has to go to Saturday school for two weeks.
It is a good thing he isn't m son because he would have been in big trouble. Alan is to the point of giving up because he want listen to anything that Alan says.

We are going to have some really cold weather the next few days. We are going to be down in the teens ansd lower. Burr, we aren't use to that kind of weather. It will be good to get some cold weather but I sure hope it doesn't last long.

I started my carb diet on Monday and things are going well. I went to the gym on Monday and worked out for about forty minutes. I didn't get to walk yesterday because I had a meeting at work so I will be back at the gym today. It is to cold for me to walk outside right now.

Leann, I will get with you later on the carb diet. Send me your e-mail address and I will send you some information. My e-mail address is I lost all my weight the first time by using the carb counting.

Everyone is doing great here and we have all gotten back into our routines. The baby is growing like a weed and he has to go to the doctor on Friday for his first shots. Jonathan also goes for his six year old checkup and I will have mu upper GI done on Friday too. It is going to be a busy day.

Well I better get off her and get some breakfast and get ready to head to the work force. Fun, fun, fun. Have a great day and be good. More later in the week. Computer still down and I can't get Alan on the stick to get it back going.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Just a quick note to say hi and thanks for the encouragement. Christy and two of the boys have dropped in for a few minutes so this is going to be short and sweet.

I went to the clonin again today. Iam getting tired of all of these appointments. Maybe after next month they will slow down. Anyway I went to a refresher course on diabetes because the hospital wellness team tinks that I needed it. They didn't tell me anymore than I already new but it was okay to refresh my memory. She told me to keep doing what I was before and it should be alright. So here I go with this long trail of watching my carb intake. That is how I lost so much weight before. I will keep you all posted on my progress.

Some of the girls at work are doing what the call Scale Back America and that is a program that is designed to jumpstart you into losing weight. I think we will have two or three teams from my work. The hospital is encouraging this. It is a ten week program. We will see how it works.

I better go and spend a few minutes with my boys. Have a great day.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My computer is still not up and running. I have to light a fire under Alan and get him on it. He goes at his own pace and does things on his own time. I will get back on him again now that things ar getting back into a routine.

I got up this morning and walked for about thirty five minutes. The weather was a little cooler this morning so it was nice out there. Now that I am back in the house I am burning up. I guess I am going to have to go take a cool shower to cool off before I get anything else done.

There isn't a lot going on down here in the south other than hot weather in the past few days. They say that we are going to have some cooler weather and I am ready for some.

Dennis, I think I forgot to congraulate you on your new grandchild that is on the way. Those gradnchildren are special.

Well I better get off here and get things ready for work and get some dishes done around here. Take care and have a great day.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I have a few minutes so I wanted to update my blog. Not a lot going on except we are all getting back into a routine after the holidays. I am so glad too. I think the adults have a harder time withit htan the children. I have heard a lot of grumbling from co-workers the past two weeks because they couldn't leave work early and someone else did. Grow up people and be thankful that you have a job.

I went to the doctor yesterday and things are going okay. I need to get back on my exercise program. I have put some of my weight back on theat I lsot before my surgery. I am on my way to getting back on the wagon. I would like to lose around thirty of forty pounds and it is not going to be easy. Just keep me encouraged and in your thoughts. I know I can do this but it is not going to be easy.

Kids are doing well. They cut Chad's hours at work. He is only working four days a week now. I am afraid things are going to get tough before they get any better. You need to be thankful that you have a job. Our neighbor told Alan yesterday tat he went to work yesterday and they laid him off and he had worked for the company for twenty four years and that he didn't know what he was going to do because no one wanted to hire an old man. Let's remember those that are worse than ourselves.

I had a good visit with my mom on the first. She is doing okay but you can tell that she just doesn't feel the best in the world. The doctor did put her back on oxygen when she needs it and she is using it some. She had a test done yesterday on her heart and she said she passed and the doctor had a hard time finding her heart and she said she couldn't understand that because there wasn't even a boob in the way. HA! HA! HA!

Well I had better get off here and get ready for work. You guys have a wonderful day and I will catch you later.