Monday, July 27, 2009

Well, I guessed I lied. I said that I was going to be better at updating and I sure haven't done it. I do apologize to my readers for that. I am not going to promise that I will do better because I will probably end up eating my words again.

I worked twenty hours this weekend so it has been a very busy weekend. I guess the doctor did his job making me look in my thirties because I had a 26 year old hit on me at the bowling alley Friday night. He wanted me to meet him after work and I told him I wasn't interest that I have children older than him and of course he threw me the line that I didn't look that old. I told him that I appreciated the compliment but it wasn't going anywhere. If nothing else it was a good ego builder.

It is going to be a busy week. Tomorrow night part of my co-workers are going out to eat. We are going to a Mexican restaurant. It will be good to just relax with friends.

I get my stitches out on Thursday and that will be good since the ones on the corner of my eyes are bothering me. They itch a little but the worse thing is that they feel like they are sticking me in the eyes. I will be glad to get that done.

Well, I better get off here and get some things done. Have a great day and be sweet.

1 comment:

denny said...

Well now, apology accepted lil lady. I know you've been pretty strapped for time so an exception is given. Once your stitches are gone and no bruising remains... I expect a new picture on this here blog of yers.

Glad you got hit on though, makes me happy that a young'n thinks yer pretty too.

Later gal,