Friday, March 13, 2009

Another beautiful day in Alabama. The weather has been just wonderful this whole week. It is coming to an end this weekend. We are going to have some rain come in tomorrow and it looks like it will be with us most of the weekend. What a great way to start the weeekend. It gives me a reason to lay around and do nothing.

Christy and I did make it to breakfast but not to Cracker Barrel. She was to slow getting ot my house so we ended up at Waffle House. Breakfast was good and of course mom paid but then I told her that I would. Then off to the doctor.

Surgery went really well and quite fast. We got there around eight thirty and checked in and we were walking out around ten thirty. The mananged to get all the cancer on the first try which was great for me. I ended up with seven or eight stitches. It will probably be a pretty good scare. I call it my battle wound. I am just so thankful that it was caught early becuase it could have been really bad especially in the area that it was in.

Have a great weekend and more later.


denny said...

How bout posting a picture of the scar? I am curious.

denny said...

Cathy, I am assuming that this blog of yours is something that you update weekly or perhaps monthly??? I thought you would keep us posted more like daily but then perhaps your schedule doesn't allow for that.

How are you feeling, and when do the stitches get removed??