Monday, September 21, 2009

Today was a short day at work since I had to go to the doctor. My checkup was good. The doctor was pleased to find out everything I had done in the past year. He told me that I was up an all the things that needed to be done. The only thing that he suggested was that I might check into a bone density test. I called and my insurance will not cover it so I am going to talk to the doctor next week when I see her and see what she says obout it and there may be a way that the insurance will cover it. I will have to do some checking into it.

After leaving the doctors office I headed to the boys school and picked them up. They were not expecting me. We went out and had ice cream and then we went to the store and they got them a toy. They were surprise to see me. I don't get to do that much because of my work schedule.

I have a couple of busy weeks coming up. Next Saturday we are going to the lake to spend the day at the lake with Aunt Mary and several other family members. I am trying to get my brother that lives in Montgomery to come and then all of us will be together and that hasn't happened in a long time.

The following week we will be having anniversary Sunday at our church. E will be busy with helping children with the activities that we will have going. We will have clowns, train rides, pizza, snow cones, obstacle course and moon walks. It will be a fun day for them, but a busy one for me.

Then to end up the busy weeks, I will have a wedding to go to for my niece. She is getting married at a park and it is in the morning so I will be able to go. I will have to go to work after the wedding.

I have been looking at some houses on the internet. I had a lady call me today about checking into it more and I told her to give me a month to think about it and I will let her know. I would love to be able to get into one later on next year. I will have to leave it in God's hand. He knows what is best for me and I just need to wait on Him. I think that I am ready to take on being on my own. It will be a big step for me but I think I am ready.

Christopher is going to have surgery. He has a hernia in his groan area. He is not happy about it. The doctor told them to bring Benjamin in and he would check him at Christopher's pre-op.

Well. I better get off here and get my water ready for the night and hit the bed. I have to leave early tomorrow to have some blood work done.

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