Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I have a few minutes to update so I decided to get it done before heading to work. I seem to say tired a lot but what do you expect with working to jobs and trying to spend time with my mom.

I went to see her on Sunday and she still has a long way to go. She is very depressed and we can't seem to get her out of that stage. I was there about five hours and I bet we didn't talk about forty five minutes the whole time I was there. We can't get her put of bed or get her to eat very much.

Johnny had the doctor come check on her yesterday and of course when he came in she sat up and was eating good and she was cutting jokes with him and as soon as he left she went right back into her shell. The doctor asked her if she has been up walking any and she told them that she couldn't walk and the doctor told her that she would be up today and she would be trying to walk with a walker. He told her that he sure wanted to get her home before the Alabama/Auburn game, which is in about three weeks. He told her that if she didn't get up and get on it that it wasn't going to happen. Johnny did say that they were going to regulate her medicine and see if that will help her out. We have a long ways to go. Just keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Christy took Christopher back to the doctor last week because he was having problems with the hernia that he had and they are now going to send him to the Children Hospital in Birmingham to make sure that there isn't any more problems. He goes on Monday.

We have had some rain due to the hurricane that came through. We needed some rain but the peanut farmers wished that it would hold off a few more days. Oh well, that's the way it goes.

Well. I better get off her and head to work. Have a great day.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, I guess that this blog is essentially on vacation... I hope your Mom is doing better Cathy, maybe if you have a chance, you can update us on her status...

Take care friend...