Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It is hard to update when you are working extra hours and your computor ins not working right and it works when it want to. I can't always get on Alan's. I am doing the best that I can.

We had a busy weekend. It started off with a date on Friday with a very special young man. Christopher and I went to eat and then we went bowling. We had a great time.

On Saturday we went to his house and made cut-out cookies using an egg shape and decorated them for our junior church class and they were a big hit. We then built a fire and roasted marshmellows. That is the hick part of the people that live in Cottonwood. Build a fire and sit outside and shoot the breeze.

Sunday was a great day. Church then the kids had a hugh egg hunt and then to Christy"s for lunch. They kids hunted eggs again that afternoon.

Robert and his wife showed up for church and the Sunday school teacher asked me how I was with the situtation and I told him that I was great with it and that it didn't bother me. He told me that I looked and acted like I was really happy and I told him that I was. I have moved on with my life and it feels great.

Enough on that. Now I just have to get back into walking. It is hard with my heel hurting me. I may end up going to the doctor and have it checked out. I will let you know how it goes. I may start riding my bike and see how it feels.

I may be starting the bowling alley soon. It looks like it may be within the next couple of weeks. It should be fun and very different from what I am doing on my full time job.

Well I am going to go and check out the rest of my mail. Have a great day. How's this for updating, Dennis. HA! HA!

1 comment:

denny said...

Cathy, the update was absolutely outstanding... you have to realize that I and others truly love to read about your escapades there in the deep south. We live in an entirely different world than you do and we miss the 'Southern' humor that you bring to your posts.

I am not getting on you, just trying to remind you that we love you and miss hearing about your routines...

Thank you for the lovely post and please, keep up the good work.